Islander Alumni Website Design (Archived – 2014)
This project was completed in 2014 and has since been archived as it is no longer in public use.
When production began on a brand new website for the Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi Islander Alumni Association, our team was faced with several unique challenges. The first was to produce a site that would increase engagement and heighten awareness of the organization’s mission to foster a continued relationship with alumni both new and old. The next challenge was to promote the university and its endeavors and urge its growing network of alumni to become active members and a driving force of the university’s future.
The end result is an easy to use website with streamlined navigation that showcases a number of features including one hundred percent original content with a strong call to action, a feature-rich user system that allows alumni to register via social media profiles such as through Facebook, Twitter or Google+, a searchable member directory to connect with old friends and make new ones, Chapter pages complete with forums, a maintenance-free calendar and photo gallery with an automatic feed of events from the organization’s Facebook page, custom user permissions, custom responsive design with technical support for both smartphones and tablets, a MailChimp integration and form builder with conditional logic and a custom maintenance page with a countdown timer anticipating the live launch of site.

Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi
Website Design
Jonathan Swindle, Marco Carbajal, Robert Moses