Although 2020 was a difficult year for everyone, the HRMG team persevered through each hurdle and successfully wrapped up the year on a high note. Managing high-profile projects, new media partnerships as well as our community enrichment endeavors, HRMG made progress by growing our operations and knowledge to bring our clients increasing value.
Community Prosperity and a New Municipal Website
The last quarter of 2020 closed with a website overhaul for the City of Kingsville, a long time client of over 8 years. Since 2012, the HRMG team has developed its knowledge and tools since developing its initial website built by our small crew in 2014 for the municipality. Our improved skills have led to a complete redesign for the 15 separate departments and new city leadership. The end result is a website that meets the ever-changing needs of the organization and developing technologies. Following industry standards, HRMG was able to produce a website that introduced new financial transparency, made a step closer to full ADA compliance, was informative and functional with updated information for the city’s citizens.
Supporting Growth, an Improved Employee Intranet
In continuation of our enduring partnership with Bay Ltd. since the launch of their consumer-facing website in 2013, HRMG has been developing a new external employee portal that serves 9 divisions and over 3,500 employees across the country. The project replaces an antiquated .NET Nuke solution that had not seen structural updates for over a decade. Our solution for the company not only supports mobile devices and modern technologies but also a Microsoft Office 365 Sharepoint document library integration.
COVID WWW Campaign and Educational Outreach
Given the tremendous impact of COVID on our local economy, HRMG was honored to support the Nueces County Public Health District by designing a public health campaign that promoted safety measures within the local community at bars, restaurants, and churches. The first marketing campaign centered around wearing your mask, washing your hands, and watching your distance including video productions with 8 local organizations in the Coastal Bend. An additional campaign we designed included the production of 3 videos educating the public on vaccinations. Expanding the reach of our messaging, HRMG introduced the distribution of advertisements in our media group podcasts Wild Bend, Weird Corpus, Right On Sports, Revolve One, and The advertisements were designed to feature audio and voiceover content by local talent Joe Kelley of Just Joe Productions, a longtime staple of the radio industry in the Coastal Bend. Sponsored articles and advertisements on RightOn Corpus were also factored into the outreach campaign. Learn more about our media offerings with our media kit.
Supporting Local with Small Business Support
While HRMG regularly supports large entities such as the City of Kingsville, Bay Ltd., and Nueces County, we also continue to exercise our resources for the benefit of small businesses. Located in Corpus Christi, Mary McLeod Bethune Early Child Development Nursery, Inc. was utilizing AdSack and LocaliQ in hopes of expanding their reach in the market. The company was, unfortunately, dealing with significant issues from their partners, as well as suffering the effects of a mismanaged situation with a provider bogged down by acquisitions from national competitors. With careful planning and consideration, HRMG was able to help Mary Bethune Daycare out of their difficult situation to continue moving forward. With the launch of their own personal website, Bethune Daycare’s operational information, programs, calendar of events, and more are all readily accessible by the public and parents in the area at any time. In addition, no matter the number of clients we serve, HRMG can always be reached directly without going through a service center which was a big highlight for the small business.
Local Coffee Brand at the TAMUCC Innovation Center
Cafe Latina is an online retailer located in Corpus Christi, Texas, specializing in the sale of ground coffee and coffee beans with Latin-inspired flavors. Launching in 2020, Cafe Latina’s aesthetic was established through the illustrative art created by local artist and TAMUCC graduate Marisa Garza for her logo and coffee bags, therefore the bulk of the project settled on developing the website’s content and eCommerce services. As is necessary for each project to facilitate the creation of website copy, extended web research was conducted to craft informative descriptions with historically important details for each flavor and select relevant keywords for SEO purposes. Finally, HRMG managed the product photography and created the mockups used on the website for a simple yet elegant display highlighting the vibrant art used throughout.
Ongoing Efforts and Impacts
HRMG also supported the launch of a merchandise line for Texas couture gown designer, Nico Collective, social media management and promotions at Island Day Spa, an Opera America Robert L.B. Tobin Director-Designer grant submission, a merger and website overhaul for Education to Employment Partners, the launch of our 2-year long startup endeavor with Chicago-based Confirmed Life Safety, as well as the Mosaic Project of South Texas’ PRIDE Corpus Christi Get Out the Vote Campaign for the highly consequential 2020 Presidential election. In addition to these projects in the last quarter of 2020, HRMG overhauled the SEO for Turner Ramirez Architects and made updates to our long time client’s website at WKMC Architects.
As shown with the vast array of services rendered to our clients in the last 3 months, HRMG has grown its capabilities and experience in numerous markets significantly since our founding in 2012. From website design, web hosting, video and photography, investments in local film production, SEO, content marketing, advertisements, and an expanded audience through new a series of podcasts, HRMG is excited to wrap up our 8th year of serving clients locally and nationwide.
Though 2020 and the impacts of a global pandemic have been a trying time for everyone, we’re committed to our vision and pursuits while also supporting our clients’ recovery in 2021. HRMG wishes everyone a happy holiday and a safe and prosperous New Year. To learn more about how our team can support your project, give us a call at 361-816-7708.