Marketing to Millennials: How the Largest Generation in History is Changing the Way We Sell

In the business world, it seems no matter where you turn you will inevitably end up hearing the word “millennial”. While this may conjure visions of over-privileged narcissists with too many choices and no direction to some, the truth is that millennials are not only shaping up to be one of the most iconic generations in history, they are also completely changing the rules when it comes to business.

Don’t Shoot the Messenger: 5 Reasons Why Regular Content is the Single Most Important Part of Online Marketing

Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain. It is only the great and powerful Wizard of…Content. Okay so dramatics aside, in the age of new media and the push for more versatile websites, it is important to realize that for every (good) website that pops up on the internet, there is a dedicated content team working for hours each week giving that site a constant stream of fresh information.

Digital Advertising: Making Cents of it All

According to a new study released by the Wall Street Journal, the future of American advertising will lie with digital advertisements. The findings, released last week, show that digital ad spending is expected to exceed television advertising by 2018, a feat which is being led by both Google and Facebook who already dominate 60% of the world’s digital ad revenue annually with $19.1 billion and $4.8 billion respectively.