HRMG participated in the Education Service Center Region 2’s WeTeach_CS Teachers’ Externship alongside Gignac Architects and LionSoft LLC on Monday, July 17 through Tuesday, July 25, 2017. We hosted 10 area educators and taught them about our role in building the local marketing industry.
Over the course of a week, HRMG and LionSoft worked together on a joint presentation to discuss the needs of our industry. We split the teachers into two groups and taught them analytics, web development, software development best practices and explained the current needs of our local workforce. The teachers used lessons from our time together to educate their students during the upcoming school year on our endeavors and how to best prepare themselves for careers in the future.
At HRMG, we find these types of partnerships with area schools to be vital toward the growth of our industry and the quality of our work in the future. With a skilled workforce comes economic growth and the ability of our company to compete nationally. We’d like to extend a huge thank you to Texas Education Agency for funding this program. Visit the UT website for more information about the revamped TEX2 externship.