As founder and president of HRMG, Jonathan is responsible for maintaining daily operations, serving as lead project manager and managing client relations. His experience extends from executive leadership, photography, videography, web design and development and interactive media.
Think very carefully about your circle of friends and acquaintances. Now think of that one person that somehow misses every social cue, always interrupts and talks at you and abruptly changes the subject without even listening. Unfortunately, this is how the majority of businesses with online content operate.
Congratulations, you have successfully managed to run a business without folding. In the beginning, you probably thought of some ways to get your name out there, but that fell by the wayside as soon as you started getting more leads, so you must have done something right. Except that marketing your business is like running a marathon and success now doesn’t guarantee success down the road. There is always a better, more interesting way to increase your business’s reach, but from being misinformed to thinking you know it all, there are still plenty of marketing missteps that can cost you plenty of money. Think this has nothing to do with you? Think again. Check yourself against the top four mistakes many business owners make when it comes to marketing themselves.
Red, White & True (or False) A Revealing Quiz about America’s Independence The 4th of July is about much more than baseball, barbecue, and beer. America’s most patriotic day celebrates our country’s official separation from British rule and the many ways in which our collective identity has become so quintessentially American since. As most of…
The world of online marketing can be a very unforgiving place and if there’s one thing we have learned working in this industry the last several years, it is that perception is everything. How the public perceives both you and your business is the single most important factor in determining how successful your venture will be. No matter how terrific you think your skills and services are, it only takes a few missteps to drive your business down a bad path. That’s why we here at Hi-Res Creative have devised our own list of the deadliest of sins when it comes to online marketing to help ye poor sinners. Are you guilty of any? Read on and repent.
Hi-Res Creative Enjoys an Active Quarter: and Readies for Exciting New Projects this Summer While many are gearing up for a well-deserved vacation, we at Hi-Res Creative have been quite busy for the last few months as we completed a very active production cycle and prepare for an equally active summer. In addition to working…
Imagine you are online browsing a random webpage when a certain image resonates with you. So you copy and paste it to use on your own blog or webpage. No harm in that, right?